Everyone must stir the Christmas Cake
The tree gets decorated with more than just Mums input.
Streamers everywhere are a must.
I am a hoarder, I still have Christmas decorations that the children made me in kindergarten, and ones they had given me for Christmas itself, and even ones, my nieces and nephews made me, every year I still put them up, it gives the house a real warm feeling.
It doesn't have to cost the earth, Christmas is about togetherness and the joy of Creation.
I always start planning about October, as we normally have 20-25 people here for Christmas Dinner alone with people coming and going all day long, some Christmases are quiet and there may be 8-10 but that happens very rarely.
At the supermarket
Start getting dinner bargains
I'm always on the look out for specials
Party Drinks
Paper Tablecloths
Disposable Plates
Cheeses ( dates have to last till Xmas )
Pates ( again dates have to last well after Xmas)
Xmas Biscuits
Presents Ideas
Anything that you see, that will save you on the big day is a massive savings, keeps lists of what you have pre brought so you do not double up.
Decorating the house the family way
Decorations made with love are the best kind, sure we can go to the shop and spend $100.00 on decorations if we chose too, or if we could, but there is nothing nicer than knowing that all the decorations were made with love.
Making Your Own Christmas Decorations
Pretty Pinecones
Dip pinecones in gold paint (either partially or all of the way) or use a mixture of water, glue, and glitter for a sparkling effect.
Place on side tables or use to fill baskets and bowls.
The little baby pinecones look really sweet in baskets around the house as well.
Dream of Sugarplums
Look around the Salvation Army shops of 2nd hand shops and find some really pretty display glasses
if you want to leave them out for longer than one day get sweets that are wrapped.
if you want to leave them out for longer than one day get sweets that are wrapped.
Homemade Doorknobs
Deck the doorknobs with jolly kid-made bells.
It's a great activity for days when it's too wet or chilly to play outside and -- between your craft bin and the refrigerator -- you probably have all the supplies on hand:an egg carton, paint, glitter, glue, and yarn.
ScissorsEgg carton
Acrylic poster paint
Embroidery needle
Jingle bells
Step 1
Cut the cone-shape pieces that separate the eggs out of a cardboard carton (one egg carton will produce five bells).
Step 2 Paint each divider, using acrylic or poster paint. Let dry; apply glue along the edge of the divider, all over the outside, or wherever you like, and sprinkle with glitter.
Step 3
Thread an embroidery needle with yarn, poke a hole through a bell's crown, and pull yarn through partway. For a clapper, slip a jingle bell onto the end of the yarn; tie a knot above the jingle bell. Tie several bells around a doorknob, staggering the lengths of the yarn.
Salt Dough Initials
Salt Dough Trees:
Using the same salt dough as above, but colour it green, then roll out make tree shapes and poke a hole for the ribbon then bake following instructions above.
The recipe involves lots of gloopy (PVA) glue drizzled over the cooked, cooled shapes, then smothered in glitter, sequins, pom poms and any other small paraphernalia you can find!
Shake off any excess glitter
The finished, delightful, ornaments!
Hanging up by their strings, waiting for the tree!
Crepe Paper Streamers
Now days you can get all different colours of crepe paper and balloons so you can theme your lounge into wonderful colours and really give it that festive feel..
Just cut the crepe paper wad into about 8 pieces lengthwise,and then sellotape one end to the wall or ceiling and twist and unwind then once you get to the other end of the room sellotape that to the wall or ceiling and secure it
Fruit Pomanders
Although these are very time consuming to make the smell they give off is amazing
Salt Dough Trees:
Using the same salt dough as above, but colour it green, then roll out make tree shapes and poke a hole for the ribbon then bake following instructions above.
The recipe involves lots of gloopy (PVA) glue drizzled over the cooked, cooled shapes, then smothered in glitter, sequins, pom poms and any other small paraphernalia you can find!
Shake off any excess glitter
The finished, delightful, ornaments!
Hanging up by their strings, waiting for the tree!
Crepe Paper Streamers
Now days you can get all different colours of crepe paper and balloons so you can theme your lounge into wonderful colours and really give it that festive feel..
Just cut the crepe paper wad into about 8 pieces lengthwise,and then sellotape one end to the wall or ceiling and twist and unwind then once you get to the other end of the room sellotape that to the wall or ceiling and secure it
Fruit Pomanders
Although these are very time consuming to make the smell they give off is amazing
Using the same salt dough as above, but colour it green, then roll out make tree shapes and poke a hole for the ribbon then bake following instructions above.
The recipe involves lots of gloopy (PVA) glue drizzled over the cooked, cooled shapes, then smothered in glitter, sequins, pom poms and any other small paraphernalia you can find!
Shake off any excess glitter
The finished, delightful, ornaments!
Hanging up by their strings, waiting for the tree!
Crepe Paper Streamers
Just cut the crepe paper wad into about 8 pieces lengthwise,and then sellotape one end to the wall or ceiling and twist and unwind then once you get to the other end of the room sellotape that to the wall or ceiling and secure it
Fruit Pomanders
Although these are very time consuming to make the smell they give off is amazing
You will need
OrangesWhole Cloves
Decide on a pattern and work the cloves into the skin of the orange do it over a plate or towels as the juice may leak out.
Once you have your clove design tie a ribbon around the orange and either hang it someone to permeate or place in bowls somewhere close to where people sit, so they get that Christmas feel.
Pre Planning Who Will Be There
It always good to know ahead of time how many you will be expecting, so try emailing or phoning and get numbers in, not just for the food side of it, but everyone at my place on Christmas Day gets a gift, so I can be on top of the list rather than get a surprise on the day